
Ira came to us all the way from Isabella, Minnesota, accompanied by his pals Ike, Irish, Ian, Iva, Ivy, Tots, and Robin. Ira is a pretty shy guy, but he is one of the sweetest dogs once he gains some trust and confidence. He loves to be pet and scratched, and will always ask for more love when he wants it! He shares a room with Irish and Ike, and the three of them always stick together when exploring new territory. Ira is also quite the ladies’ man, despite being a bit shy!
In his racing years, Ira was a natural leader. He headed the pack in 10 mile runs, accompanied by a team of 17 other dogs, and also in 4 mile runs, in which teams consisted of 6 dogs total. Along with his team mates, Ira participated in the Fur Rondy, known as the Super Bowl of sled dog races, as it is the longest sprint race for competitive mushers. Prior to arriving at Cornell, Ira had a one month break from training.
Ira is up to date on his physical exam, he is not very excited about treadmill training and therefore won't participate in exercise part of the study. During the cognitive test Ira tried his best to make a new human-friend, but in the end decided against it and spent most of the time being comfortable in his corner.